Past Events

YPSA actively organizes many international events!  We also participate in the Annual OSA Congress, Embassy gatherings, national meetings, thanks to the OSA, national Swiss Clubs, and Embassies all around the world!

In this section you can find some of our past events!


  • August 16-18, 2019: The OSA is proud to present their annual congress of the Swiss Abroad, or Fifth Switzerland in Montreux. The Congress theme will focus on the solutions for the world of tomorrow. Refer to our calendar for more details & the registration link!
  • Palermo, Italy, May 2019: Recently, YPSA partook in the annual conference of the UGS, Unione Giovanni de Svizzera. The Palermo conference focused on Entrepreneurship and featured a speech from many important Swiss-Italian people, notably Claude Nicollier, the first Swiss Astronaut!


  • We are currently working with the Chilean Embassy to create a regional Youth Parliament of the Swiss Abroad! Stay tuned for more details.
  • October, 2019: There will be a presentation of YPSA at the celebration for Young Swiss with the New York Embassy! Check out the NY-Swiss Embassy Facebook page for upcoming details!

Be sure to check out our calendar to stay up to date on all International Events!